This exceptional antique Danish silver jug has a circular rounded form onto a circular spreading foot, all in the Art Nouveau style.
The surface of this antique water jug has a subtle planished silver finish.
This impressive piece is fitted with a C shaped handle, with a bifurcating upper portion and the original carved painted wood handpiece.
The spout is embellished with a vase shaped design to the nadir.
The underside of the Art Nouveau jug bears the engraved initials 'A.N' and date '1927', in addition to the hallmarks.
The hallmarks struck to this silver jug include:
Assay mark: Three Tower Mark, 20 (Copenhagen, 1920)
Assay Master Mark: CFH (Christian F. Heise)
This exceptional example of antique silverware features no maker's mark; the maker is therefore unknown.
Date: 1920