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John Samuel Hunt

In 1819 Paul Storr left Rundell & Bridge and partnered with John Mortimer, founding the renowned manufacturing and retail jewellers and silversmiths firm Hunt & Roskell; trading as Storr & Co. (1819-22), Storr & Mortimer (1822-38), Mortimer & Hunt (1838-43) and then Hunt & Roskell (1843-97).

After his apprenticeship with Paul Storr, John Samuel Hunt joined as a partner in the firm as Storr retired in 1838, and the company changed its name to Mortimer & Hunt. Mortimer retired in 1843 and the firm became Hunt & Roskell, the addition of Robert Roskell Jr, a former watchmaker and merchant of Liverpool. At this time the company also included John Samuel Hunt’s son, John Hunt.

In 1889 the firm was taken over by J.W. Benson and continued in business as Hunt & Roskell Ltd until the late 1960s.

Hunt & Roskell had operated their retail premises at 156 New Bond Street and a manufactory at 26 Harrison Street, near Clerkenwell.

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