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Browse these categories under "Antique Decanters"
Blown and Acid Etched Glass, Sterling Silver Mounted Decanter - Antique Victorian
Price: GBP £2,475.00
Antique Sterling Silver Bat Decanter Label / Bottle Ticket
Price: GBP £1,995.00
Glass and Sterling Silver Mounted Champagne Bottle Decanter - Antique Edwardian (1907)
Price: GBP £1,795.00
Acid Etched Glass and Sterling Silver Mounted Locking Decanter - Antique George V (1925)
Price: GBP £1,595.00
Cut Glass and Sterling Silver Mounted Decanter - Art Deco - Antique George V (1924)
Price: GBP £1,445.00
Blown Glass and German Silver Mounted Decanter - Art Deco - Vintage Circa 1940
Price: GBP £1,315.00
Newcastle Sterling Silver Rum Decanter Label / Bottle Ticket - Antique George III
Price: GBP £1,295.00
Newcastle Sterling Silver Decanter Label / Bottle Ticket - Antique George III (1819)
Price: GBP £1,295.00
Cut Glass and Sterling Silver Mounted Decanter - Antique George V
Price: GBP £1,295.00
Cut Glass and Sterling Silver Mounted Decanter - Art Deco - Antique George VI
Price: GBP £1,295.00

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