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Miniature Silver Warwick Vase
Miniature Silver Warwick Vase Miniature Silver Warwick Vase Miniature Silver Warwick Vase Miniature Silver Warwick Vase Miniature Silver Warwick Vase Miniature Silver Warwick Vase Miniature Silver Warwick Vase Miniature Silver Warwick Vase Miniature Silver Warwick Vase

Sterling Silver Miniature Warwick Vase - Vintage 1989


An exceptional, fine and impressive vintage 1980s English sterling silver miniature Warwick vase; an addition to our silver presentation collection

SKU C7415

This exceptional vintage miniature silver Warwick vase, in sterling standard, has a Campania shaped form onto a circular pedestal spreading foot and plain square base.

The body of the vase is ornamented with fine and impressive applied and chased decoration depicting two lions' pelts with pendant arms and paws.

Either side of the body of this fine miniature vase is further ornamented with applied thyrsi* and classic mask style heads resting on plinths.

The upper portion of this silver vase is embellished with impressive fruiting vine decoration.

The lower portion of the body is ornamented with chased acanthus leaf and applied bead decoration around the foot socket.

This double skinned silver miniature vase is fitted with the original hallmarked sterling silver liner, encircled with a bead decorated border, in addition to a band of egg and tongue ornamentation to the rim.

This impressive vase is fitted with impressive silver bifurcating handles modelled in the form of entwined fennel stalks accented with chased leaf decoration.

NOTE: * Thyrsis - A fennel staff tipped with a pine cone and twinned with ivy, carried by Dionysus/Bacchus (the God of the grape harvest, wine and winemaking).

Date: 1989

This vintage miniature silver Warwick vase is an exceptional gauge of silver, exceptional quality and in exceptional condition.

The chased and applied decoration is all very sharp.

Full hallmarks struck to the surface of the square plinth are all very clear; the hallmarks are struck deeply due to the exceptional gauge silver.

Reflections in photographs may detract from the true representation of this piece of vintage silverware.

Length across handles 6.4cm/2.5"

Internal diameter 3.8cm/1.5"

Width of base 3.4cm/1.3"

Height 5.3cm/2.1"

7.7 troy ounces/239g

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