This exceptional antique George V sterling silver spirit kettle has a circular rounded form.
The lower portion of this silver spirit kettle is embellished with exceptional chased decorated stylised water leaf designs.
The upper portion of the body is encompassed with an exceptional band of chased opposing scroll decoration accented with palmette motifs.
The upper rim of the kettle is embellished with an applied egg decorated border.
This antique silver spirit kettle is fitted with a hinged hallmarked cover encircled with further chased water leaf decoration to the domed portion.
The cover is surmounted with the original sterling silver topped, carved wood finial, securing to the interior with a wing nut.
This fine example of antique teaware is fitted with an impressive incurved handle featuring the original carved wood handpiece to scrolling terminals ornamented with floral medallions.
The kettle detaches from the original hallmarked sterling silver stand, supported by three impressive cast scrolling legs, each terminating with a lobed hoof style foot.
The stand is further encompassed with an applied egg decorated border to the rim.
The stand incorporates a plain rounded frame which retains the original hallmarked detachable spirit burner.
The spirit kettle stand is fitted with the original chains and hallmarked security pegs.
Date: 1932