This exceptional antique Edwardian sterling silver christening mug has a tapering cylindrical form.
The body of the mug is embellished with the scrolling leaf bordered 'This Little Pig' nursery rhyme: 'This little pig went to market, this one stayed at home, this one had roast beef and this one had none, and this little pig cried wee wee wee all the way home'.
The opposing side of the mug bears the exceptional chased and embossed illustration of the folk song, incorporating the elucidating rhyme within each scrolling leaf bordered scene.
The decoration to this Edwardian silver christening mug is further ornamented with an impressive vacant cartouche to the anterior surface, bordered with impressive scrolling leaf and floral designs, in addition to a paralleling trellis texture to the lower portion.
The upper and lower borders of the mug are each embellished with applied moulded decoration.
This exceptional example of antique silverware is fitted with an impressive C scrolling handle, accented with a bifurcating lower terminal.
The mug retains the original gilding to the interior.
This exceptional Edwardian silver christening mug, crafted by the renowned London silversmiths Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd, is the finest example of its type you could hope to acquire.
NOTE: * This Little Pig/This Little Piggy is an iconic English-language nursery rhyme, typically sang including toe-play (or alternatively fingerplay); each line is counted on an infant's foot and the last sentence is met with a gentle tickling motion. Whilst the first line appeared in a 1720s song, the verse known today was portrayed from the late 18th century with many variations to the present day.
Date: 1904